85 Important Email Marketing Statistics That Every Business Should Be Aware Of

Utilizing email marketing is among the most effective methods to promote your business online. Regardless of whether you operate a retail outlet, a heavy machinery firm, or a healthcare facility, email marketing enables you to maintain a strong connection with your clientele.

Still uncertain? Explore these 85 email marketing statistics highlighting its significance and why integrating it into your online marketing strategy is essential. Discover the benefits for your business by exploring our email marketing services!

Email marketing statistics that demonstrate the value of email marketing

We’re all familiar with skeptical business owners regarding the effectiveness of email marketing. Here are some statistics that confirm the vitality and efficacy of email marketing.

  1. 59% of marketers affirm that email provides the highest ROI. 
  2. The ROI attributed to email marketing is reportedly 4400%. 
  3. 89% of marketers state that email is their primary lead generation channel. 
  4. 58% of adults prioritize checking their email as the first task in the morning. 
  5. Incorporating a video into an email can boost click rates by 300%. 
  6. 61% of shoppers and consumers appreciate receiving weekly promotional emails, with 28% expressing a desire for more frequent communications.
  7. 59% of individuals acknowledge that emails play a role in influencing their purchase decisions. 
  8. 72% of people indicate a preference for receiving promotional offers via email. 
  9. Acquiring a customer through email is 40 times more probable than through Facebook or Twitter. 
  10. Approximately 80% of small and medium-sized U.S. retailers affirm that email marketing contributes significantly to customer acquisition and retention.

Overall email marketing statistics

Interested in delving deeper into email marketing? Explore these overarching email marketing statistics.

  1. In 2020, the global email user count reached four billion and is projected to increase to 4.6 billion by 2025. 
  2. Globally, approximately 306 billion emails were sent and received daily in 2020.This figure is expected to surpass 376 billion emails per day by 2025. 
  3. 20% of marketers indicate that their email operations directly contribute to their company’s primary revenue. 
  4. 66% of marketing emails consist of newsletters, 54% contain promotional content, and 42% are welcome series emails. 
  5. Email stands out as the leading source of analytics data for marketers.
  6. 82% of both B2B and B2C companies utilize email marketing. 
  7. 89% of marketers identify email marketing as their primary strategy.
  8. On average, employees dedicate 13 hours per week to managing their inbox. 
  9. Subscribers to marketing emails typically spend between 10-60 minutes per week reviewing promotional content.
  10. 68% of Americans base their decision to open an email on the sender.
  11. Email open rates demonstrate variation across industries, averaging at 17.92% across studies. 
  12. 64% of Millennials perceive email as the most personalized channel. 
  13. 53% of Millennial Gmail users check the promotions tab at least once daily. 
  14. Analytics tools (86%) and email marketing software (85%) are the top two technologies B2B organizations utilize for content marketing support. 
  15. The global email marketing software market size was approximately $1.13 billion in 2020, with revenue projected to reach $2.28 billion by 2027. 
  16. Half of pack-and-ship consumers did not receive any online engagement, such as an email or app download link, following a brand purchase. 
  17. Marketing emails typically contain an average of 434.48 words, which takes approximately 3.3 minutes to read.
  18. The average open rate, a significant metric for email marketing engagement, for marketing emails is 21.33%.
  19. Government-related emails exhibit the highest open rates at 28.77%, followed by hobby organizations (27.74%) and religious organizations (27.62%). 
  20. The average click rate for marketing emails is 2.62%. 
  21. The typical deliverability rate across all email newsletter platforms stands at 85.3%. 
  22. The average unsubscribe rate is 0.2%, with a spam rate of 0.02%. 
  23. In a recent analysis, 3.42% of emails incorporated emojis in their subject lines. 
  24. Of the email campaigns featuring emojis, 31% utilized more than one emoji. 
  25. According to a recent study, automated emails garnered an average click rate of 13%, while transactional emails achieved an average click rate of 22%. 
  26. 72% of B2C marketers leverage email marketing software to bolster their content marketing strategies. 
  27. Apple’s iPhone (29%) and Gmail (27%) emerged as the most preferred platforms for reading emails, accounting for 56% of all email reads. 
  28. 15% of email marketers perceive a significant increase in email marketing effectiveness, while 64% acknowledge a moderate increase. 
  29. In a recent study, the non-profit sector exhibited the highest email open rates, reaching 20.39%. 
  30. 89% of Americans check their email at least once daily, with over 20% checking more than five times daily. 
  31. The top three actions users take after engaging with an intriguing marketing email include making an online purchase (27.1%), visiting a company’s website (26.2%), and making an in-store purchase (21.6%). 
  32. More than half of U.S. consumers (53.1%) report having purchased a product from a retail store after receiving an email about it. 
  33. 45% of Internet users admit to avoiding opening emails from unfamiliar email addresses. 
  34. More than 71% of users will promptly delete an email if it fails to display correctly. 
  35. On average, users dedicate about 10 seconds to reading emails from brands.
  36. Among automated emails, order confirmation emails boast the highest open rates (64.4%) and click rates (18.1%).
  37. November witnesses the highest volume of email campaigns being sent out. However, February boasts the best open rates (17.9%), while June leads in click rates (3.6%).
  38. Automated email workflows demonstrate significantly higher engagement metrics compared to bulk newsletter campaigns, with up to 309% higher open rates and 455% higher click rates.

Email marketing data to enhance your strategy

These email marketing statistics contain valuable insights to enhance your campaigns.

  1. Including a call-to-action button in emails instead of a text link can boost conversion rates by up to 28%. 
  2. On average, incorporating video thumbnails can increase clicks by 22%. 
  3. Welcome emails typically enjoy an open rate exceeding 86% and a click-through rate around 25%. 
  4. Webinar invitations typically achieve a 26.04% open rate, a 3.47% click-through rate, and a 13.72% click-to-open rate on average. 
  5. Sending webinar reminder emails at the start time of the webinar often results in a 108.01% open rate, a 39.26% click-through rate, and a 36.35% click-to-open rate.
  6. Emails containing graphics tend to yield higher open rates (21.44% vs. 15.02%), click-through rates (2.68% vs. 1.56%), and click-to-open rates (12.47% vs. 10.39%).
  7. Email marketing automation is utilized by 79% of marketers, making it the most prevalent form of marketing automation.
  8. Emails concerning abandoned online shopping carts typically garner a 45% open rate. 
  9. Based on data from various studies, Tuesdays emerge as the most favorable day of the week to send emails, considering open rates.
  10. The primary reasons users unsubscribe from marketing emails include receiving emails too frequently (34.8%) and irrelevant email content (20.8%). 

Statistics regarding mobile email marketing

Mobile devices significantly influence email marketing today. Explore these statistics concerning email marketing and mobile usage.

  1. 71% of smartphone users utilize an email app to access their emails. 
  2. Mobile devices contribute to approximately half of all email opens.
  3. 29% of emails are opened on an iPhone.
  4. 23% of individuals admit to revisiting emails on their mobile devices after initially opening them.
  5. Three out of five users check their emails on mobile devices, with 75% indicating smartphones as their primary email-checking tool.
  6. 25.6% of users consistently read emails on mobile first. This percentage increases to 40% for individuals aged 14-18, 29% for those aged 19-34, and 8% for those aged 56-67. 
  7. Work-related emails are 40% less likely to be accessed on smartphones compared to personal emails.
  8. Adults aged 18-34 demonstrate a higher tendency to check emails on mobile, whereas those aged 45 and above are more inclined to check emails at home.
  9. 36% of B2B companies observed an overall enhancement in email marketing performance after optimizing their email campaigns for mobile.
  10. Replies sent from mobile devices are 60% shorter than those sent from desktops. 
  11. In terms of mobile readership, the leisure, sports & recreation industry boasts the highest engagement at 60%, while the schools and education sector records the lowest at 38.2%. 
  12. B2C emails experience a 47.8% higher open rate on mobile compared to B2B emails. 
  13. 45% of users have unsubscribed from marketing emails due to poor mobile functionality of either the emails or associated websites.

Statistics pertaining to personalized email marketing

Is tailoring emails to suit individual customers truly advantageous? Here are some statistics to affirm that the answer is “yes.”

  1. Sending personalized emails can boost click-through rates by approximately 14%. 
  2. Emails featuring personalized subject lines have a 26% higher likelihood of being opened compared to those without.
  3. Messages tailored to the recipient experience six times higher transaction rates.
  4. Personalization has the potential to enhance open rates by 41.8%. 
  5. Implementing personalization can elevate your average click-through rate (CTR) by 14% and increase conversions by 10%.
  6. According to 62% of marketers, personalized messaging ranks among the most effective email marketing strategies. 
  7. Despite its effectiveness, 70% of brands do not personalize their emails. 
  8. Nearly half (47%) of email recipients decide to open emails based solely on the subject line, while 69% may label an email as spam based solely on the subject line. 
  9. A significant majority (77%) of marketers utilize email to deliver personalized content to subscribers. 

Statistics on email marketing targeting and segmentation

Curious about how segmentation and enhanced targeting can enhance your email marketing efforts? Dive into these statistics for insights!

  1. Dividing your email lists into segments can lead to a 760% boost in revenue. 
  2. Email segmentation enhances the average click-through rate (CTR) from 3% to 8%, marking a surge of approximately 167%. 
  3. Segmented and targeted emails purportedly generate 60% of total revenue.
  4. Targeted emails generate three times more revenue per email compared to broadcast messages. 
  5. 66% of marketers personalize their emails utilizing subscriber age data.


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