Master Amazon Marketing with Guidance from Industry Experts.

Your go-to guide to acquiring comprehensive knowledge on effectively marketing your business on Amazon, guided by seasoned professionals. Amazon, which contributes to over 40% of online sales, spans a vast range of products and services. As the largest ecommerce platform globally, it holds the potential to elevate your sales, enhance brand recognition, and establish market dominance.

However, selling on Amazon is intensely competitive. Success demands the implementation of effective strategies, tools, and Amazon marketing services in your business arsenal.

Find out more about using Amazon to market your company.

As the landscape of product marketing undergoes continuous transformation, all businesses, particularly small-to-mid-sized companies engaged in ecommerce, must implement effective strategies to market their products and expand their reach to potential customers.

While optimizing your website for search engines and initiating pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are essential for enhancing your online presence, there’s a crucial tactic that should not be overlooked when it comes to advertising and selling products online: Amazon marketing.

In the present scenario, Amazon stands out as the most widely used search engine for product searches, even surpassing Google in this regard. Despite not being traditionally seen as a search engine, Amazon offers opportunities for optimizing your product’s visibility on its result pages.

If you are aiming to promote your products and boost sales, continue reading to explore the realm of Amazon marketing and discover how it can be leveraged for the benefit of your business.

What is marketing on Amazon?

Selling and promoting products on Amazon is a strategic approach that enables sellers and vendors to showcase their products. Similar to marketing on various platforms, once you opt to engage in Amazon marketing, there are numerous tactics available to choose from.

Why promote products on Amazon?

Is Amazon the optimal choice for your business? In the majority of situations, the response is affirmative.

Even if your company manages its own website and online store, Amazon probably possesses a significantly broader reach and customer base compared to your site. Consequently, engaging in Amazon marketing is bound to augment the overall audience viewing your products online.

Establishing a storefront on Amazon also introduces an additional revenue channel to your business. As long as you persist in optimizing your website for search engines or running ads, you can consistently generate sales from your site.

How do you set up your Amazon store? 

To initiate the sale of your products on Amazon, the initial step involves launching your Amazon Storefront! Establishing a storefront is a straightforward process accessible to any seller. Initially, you must enroll in Amazon Brand Registry, an Amazon tool designed to safeguard your products from imitations.

Once you are registered with Amazon Brand Registry, you are prepared to set up your storefront. To accomplish this, access either your Amazon Seller Central account or Amazon Vendor Central account. Following the login, the procedure is uncomplicated—simply choose “Storefront” in the primary navigation, click “Create Store,” and select your brand from the ensuing pop-up box.

How to use Amazon to promote your products?

On Amazon, businesses can employ various strategies, encompassing these specific product marketing techniques tailored for the platform.

Amazon SEO

Similar to search engine optimization (SEO) efforts on Google, SEO for Amazon is centered around enhancing product pages to elevate their visibility or ranking within Amazon’s search result pages.

Sellers and vendors aim to optimize their product pages to secure top positions in search results for relevant keywords or queries. Similar to conventional SEO practices, SEO for Amazon is typically cost-free unless you choose to outsource or invest in specialized tools.

Conducting SEO for your products on Amazon involves a methodology akin to optimizing your own ecommerce website.

The journey commences with comprehensive keyword research. Identifying pertinent long-tail keywords is crucial to distinguishing your products and aligning with the needs of your target audience.

Once you’ve pinpointed your keywords, they become your guiding stars as you refine your Amazon storefront. Here are some initial tips:

  • Manage customer reviews effectively.
  • Optimize your product titles.
  • Adhere to image guidelines attentively.
  • Leverage competitor research for strategic pricing.
  • Ensure that product descriptions are optimized for readability.

Promoting on Amazon

If you’re retailing on Amazon and not leveraging Amazon Ads, you may be overlooking opportunities to attract new customers. Amazon Ads provides a range of ad types, including:

  • Sponsored Product Ads
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Product Display Ads

For beginners, Sponsored Product Ads are a fitting starting point, appearing directly adjacent to Amazon search results.

You might already be acquainted with Sponsored Brands ads, positioned at the pinnacle of search results. These are effective for associating your brand with specific products, allowing you to showcase your logo and up to three products within that category.

Product Display Ads function on Amazon similarly to display ads on platforms like Microsoft Ads or Google Ads. With these ads, you can target users based on their interests or focus on products related to yours, broadening your outreach.

While Amazon’s Sponsored Product Ads and Sponsored Brands ads operate on a pay-per-click (PPC) pricing model, Product Display Ads follow the cost per thousand viewable impressions (vCPM) pricing model.

Amazon's conversion rate optimization (CRO)

Enhancing conversion rates is imperative for every ecommerce vendor, and on Amazon, where competition is immense, this becomes even more crucial. Amazon Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) centers on boosting the number of visitors who convert into purchasers.

Commence by pinpointing elements that might influence users to select your products. These elements could encompass product titles, descriptions, prices, and images.

Subsequently, experiment with diverse variations of these elements. Although the urge to implement changes without a systematic approach might be present, it’s beneficial to conduct A/B tests. This approach allows you to scrutinize the impacts of your optimizations methodically, leveraging real data to optimize your conversion rate effectively.

Supervising Amazon Reviews

Amazon reviews play a pivotal role in influencing shoppers to select your products and can significantly impact your visibility within Amazon search results. This underscores the importance of effective Amazon review management. This practice encompasses various strategies, such as encouraging customers to share their feedback, actively responding to reviews, and addressing customer queries. By actively engaging in Amazon review management, businesses can not only enhance their reputation but also positively influence their rankings, making their products more prominent to potential customers searching on the platform.

External marketing

Commonly known as off-Amazon marketing, this approach empowers vendors and sellers to craft advertisements and connect these ads to their Amazon product page or Brand Store. The links can be strategically placed, giving sellers or vendors the flexibility to decide their destinations. Some instances include:

  • Email marketing: Showcasing your Amazon Storefront in your email newsletters
  • PPC advertising: Utilizing PPC advertising platforms beyond Amazon, like Google Ads, to promote your products across various search engines and other online platforms
  • Social media marketing: Incorporating links to your Amazon products within your organic social media posts
  • Social media advertising: Running advertisements for your Amazon products on popular social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter

Analyzing the outcomes of your Amazon marketing

To enhance your achievements on Amazon, it is essential to monitor and assess your Amazon marketing outcomes. Amazon provides a tool named Amazon Brand Analytics, which can assist you in evaluating your brand’s performance in the marketplace, ensuring you seize every opportunity.

For instance, within Amazon Brand Analytics, there are various reports available, and one of them reveals the search terms that shoppers utilized to discover your products.

This specific report discloses the keywords that hold the most value for your business, offering insights into potential terms to focus on.

Before delving into the intricacies, make it a priority to review these foundational Amazon seller metrics:

  • Order defect rate (ODR)
  • Pre-fulfillment cancellation rate
  • Late shipment rate
  • Conversion rate

Engaging in Amazon marketing through outsourcing

Due to the extensive number of sellers on Amazon, managing all the facets of a successful campaign can be challenging for small and mid-sized businesses. From A/B testing for CRO to conducting keyword research for Amazon SEO, marketing on Amazon presents its own difficulties. To overcome these challenges and optimize your marketing outcomes, consider partnering with an Amazon marketing agency. Serving as an extension of your team, an agency can contribute to the growth of your small business and boost sales.

Entrusting your Amazon marketing to an agency also allows you more time to concentrate on other aspects of your business. For comprehensive assistance, a full-service digital marketing agency like CreaRank can deliver ROI-focused results with tailored strategies that align with your business needs. Whether you need assistance in increasing clicks through PPC, enhancing visibility with CRO, or establishing your brand with Amazon SEO, marketing agencies play a crucial role in expanding your business through Amazon.

Use CreaRank to promote (and sell) your products on Amazon

Whether you’re a newcomer to Amazon marketing seeking guidance on where to begin or an existing Amazon marketer in need of optimization support, CreaRank offers a range of Amazon marketing services tailored to your specific requirements.

Our services include:

  • Establishing and launching your store on Amazon
  • Enhancing the optimization of your product listings on Amazon
  • Promoting your products effectively on Amazon through ads
  • Elevating your sales through personalized one-on-one consultations
  • Amplifying the number of product reviews you receive

Whether you’re embarking on a new venture or refining an existing one, CreaRank possesses the team, technology, and expertise to significantly elevate your Amazon marketing strategy. This ensures that your products gain the necessary exposure to boost sales and enhance your overall profitability. Waste no time in expanding the visibility of your products—reach out to us today!